How Did I Get Here?

The first Bards and Bratz event at the Arivaca Dancehall happened on the afternoon of October 1st, with the theme "How the Heck did I Get Here? and Why am I Still Here?" 

I decided to write a poem for the occasion, and below is Part 1, accompanied by photos of the Arivaca Cienega taken in 1993 during the very first trip Uno and I made to this area:











Frosty, pink dawns in the Cienega;

Red-winged Blackbirds calling from the Cattails;

Deer standing in knee-high March rain;

New leaves on the Cottonwoods;

Black Vultures playing with the wind;

Ginormous Barrel Cactus;

Mergansers and Buffleheads in the Willow Pond;

Pied-bills in the Grebe Pond;

Lark Sparrows darting in and out of the trails;

White Kites and Northern Harriers hovering overhead;

The warm warm sun,

shining on Vermillion flycatchers;

The bubbling of the creek over rocks and downed logs, 

a ribbon of green along its edge;

A Wilson’s Warbler landing on my hat;

A Golden Eagle gazing from a Mesquite;

Miles of weathered grassland rustling in the wind;

The open road;

Sunsets stretching far and wide;

Wall-to-wall stars;




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