Why am I Still Here?

This is Part 2 of the poem I wrote for the first "Arivaca Bards and Bratz" event on Oct. 1st 2023, accompanied by recent photos from our home garden and nearby natural areas:


Grey Hawks whistling overhead;

Blue Grosbeaks and Lazuli Buntings;


Green-tailed Towhees and Summer Tanagers;


Roadrunners and Wild Turkeys on the patio;

A coyote on the roof;

Lucy’s Warblers;

Hummingbirds by the hundreds;

Artichoke Agaves; 



Purple Prickly Pears;  


Monarchs and Milkweeds;

Ginormous black bees and tiny black bees;








Good friends;

Music in the dancehall;

Gadsden Coffee every morning;

Ebony’s jambalaya;





Thunder and lightning;

Monsoon water in the big dip;

Tall green grass waving in the wind;







Weathered grassland rustling in the wind;

The open road;

Sunsets stretching far and wide;

Wall-to-wall stars;


And days like today.

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